Front Cover of Small Structures

Front Cover of Applied Polymer Materials
Direct Laser Writing to Generate Molds for Polymer Nanopillar Replication, Colm Delaney*, Niamh Geoghegan, Hossam Ibrahim, Mark O’Loughlin, Brian J. Rodriguez, Larisa Florea, Susan M. Kelleher, ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2, no. 8 (2020): 3632-3641.

Front Cover of Macromolecular Rapid Communications
3D Printed Sugar‐Sensing Hydrogels, Danielle Bruen, Colm Delaney, Johnson Chung, Kalani Ruberu, Gordon G. Wallace, Dermot Diamond, Larisa Florea*, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 41 (2020) 1900610.

Front Cover of Analytica Chimica Acta
Polyaniline Coated Micro-capillaries for Continuous Flow Analysis of Aqueous Solutions, Larisa Florea, Dermot Diamond, Fernando Benito-Lopez*, Analytica Chimica Acta 759 (2013) 1-7.

Back Cover of Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
Photo-responsive Polymeric Structures based on Spiropyran, Larisa Florea, Dermot Diamond, Fernando Benito-Lopez*, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 297 (2012) 1148-1159.